strong message

美 [strɔːŋ ˈmesɪdʒ]英 [strɒŋ ˈmesɪdʒ]
  • 强烈的信息
strong messagestrong message
  1. At a time of global economic crisis , the New Zealand-China FTA also provides a strong message of the importance of expanding trade rather than resorting to protectionism .


  2. Kabul-based independent researcher Omar Sharifi says that the strategic bilateral agreement also sends a strong message to the Taliban and other insurgent groups that they will not be allowed to return Afghanistan to the civil war of the 1990s .


  3. Sanctions like this do send a strong message .


  4. These words send a strong message .


  5. Advertising as a strong message to the purpose of means of communication , more and more attention and use .


  6. Trends inevitably convey a very strong message .


  7. I love the following article because it gets a strong message across in a very humorous way !


  8. There is a strong message that the preacher can deliver at the beginning of a new year .


  9. The unanimous decision sent strong message , the election was deemed to free and fair .


  10. These words send a strong message . They say that you do not need to be extremely to understand something .


  11. This really aims at sending a strong message in terms of commitment to fiscal discipline , she said .


  12. This action by the Indian Navy will send out a strong message that they cannot get away with this .


  13. Moral hazard the undermining of incentives will be averted : a strong message will be sent .


  14. I don 't think this is the start of a series of hikes , but it is to send a strong message .


  15. The G-20 meetings in London just agreed on a strong message to avoid protectionism in these globally difficult times .


  16. He added that " the most important task for all of us is to deliver a strong message of unity in the face of crisis . "


  17. One strong message from all of us is that these attacks on our society and our youth will not change our values and our way forward as a country .


  18. In so doing , it sends the strong message of the perfection of God 's creative work , and makes the section more memorable .


  19. I think we 're really gonna send a strong message to whomever to stop doing whatever it is he or she is doing .


  20. However , in comparison to other frameworks , Grails has a really strong message around re-using your existing Java knowledge , infrastructure , and code .


  21. That then sends a strong message to our elite that the world is watching what is happening in Nigeria , and that protects us .


  22. And I hope that we can send a strong message that , as devastating as these historic floods have been , Thailand will come back even better .


  23. Above all , the strategy sends a strong message to implementing agencies and development partners : external support is necessary and appreciated , but Africa is in charge .


  24. First , make the upcoming G-20 summit in Cannes a success , and send a strong message of unity and win-win cooperation to the world .


  25. We should intensify consultation and coordination and send a strong message of solidarity and win-win cooperation so as to strengthen international confidence in global recovery and growth .


  26. The word " Spirit " implies that IPC is not limited to only staging high sport performance , but that there is a strong message behind our Movement .


  27. We need to act fast and to send a clear and strong message ( on the resolve of international community and its support to the African-led efforts . )


  28. Nation to progress , the state should take off is the main theme of this era , businesses have to powerful individuals to develop a modern economy , every manager strong message to the Times .


  29. I should have worked harder and with that same desperation at a much earlier date , but , like the rest of mankind , it took a strong message to get me motivated .


  30. Democrats trying to steer reform through Congress against a nearly solid wall of Republican opposition said the president delivered a clear vision and specifics , and a strong message of leadership .
